Big thanks to our volunteers!

Published Wednesday 1 June 2022 at 12:58

As Volunteers’ Week starts today, we’re saying a huge thank you to all the people in Blackburn with Darwen who give their time freely to help out others.

The borough is blessed to have amazing volunteers that support delivery of Council services every day – from litter pickers, and library volunteers to befriending support.

Local people dedicate their time to helping people in need, or to brighten up their neighbourhoods.

During the pandemic hundreds of volunteers stepped forward to provide help to those struggling in the community and this work continues to help the most vulnerable in the community.

Coun Damian Talbot, Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention & Wellbeing, commented:

“Volunteers really are very special people. So many local residents benefit from their selfless dedication to helping others every single day, and on behalf of the Council I want to say how grateful we are.

“The Council has links with over 2,000 local volunteers, the majority of whom say they want to make a difference and give something back. To every single one of you, thank you – you’re amazing.”

National Volunteers Week runs from 1 to 7 June and is about celebrating every single volunteer and saying thank you for all of their contributions.

The Queen’s Jubilee falls in the same week as Volunteers’ Week 2022 and many community groups have planned a whole range of activities across Blackburn with Darwen.

The week will culminate in a Volunteer’s celebration to share stories of volunteering in Blackburn with Darwen on 7 June.

From street parties and afternoon teas, to the lighting of the Jubilee Beacon at Darwen Tower – there’s something for everyone to come together to celebrate this historic milestone.

Take a look at the Jubilee What’s On Guide for the borough here.

Our volunteers are also delivering the following activities:

Darwen Library Events
Darwen Library, Knott St, 01254 706021
Saturday 28th May – 11am to 1pm. Exhibition on display until Thursday 9th June.
11am – story time, 11:30am – make your own crowns and flags, 12pm – Darwen Library Larks choir performance

Darwen Scouts
Lighting of the Jubilee Beacon
Thursday 2nd June at Darwen Tower and also live on Facebook

Mill Hill Community Afternoon Tea
Friday 3rd June at Mill Hill Community Centre, New Chapel Street Blackburn, BB2 4DT / (01254) 673066

Accrington Road Community Afternoon Tea
Friday 3rd June at Accrington Road Community Centre, Accrington Road, Blackburn, BB1 2AF / (01254) 56120

Little Harwood Community Afternoon Tea
Saturday 4th June at Little Harwood Community Centre, Whalley Old Rd, Blackburn, BB1 5PQ / (01254) 681210

Romney Voices Association Street Party
Saturday 4th June at Car park rear 182 Romney Walk

Darwen Valley Community Afternoon Tea & Fun Day
Saturday 4th June at Darwen Valley Community Centre, Sudellside Street, Darwen BB3 3DL / (01254) 760270

Ivy St Community Street party
Sunday 5th June at Ivy St Community Centre, Ivy Street, Blackburn, BB2 3RR / (01254) 55977

Our colleagues in Lancashire Volunteer Partnership are co-ordinating activities across Lancashire for Volunteers Week, click here to find out more.

Volunteer at National Festival of Making
The National Festival of Making takes over Blackburn town centre on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th of June 2022, with an explosion of creativity, including maker and digital technologies, have-a-go workshops, food stalls, international performances, art exhibits, music, food and markets.

We are looking for FESTIVAL MAKERS, who can help the National Festival of Making deliver a fantastic event and give up to 30,000 visitors the best possible experience.

 For more information about the festival click here.

To volunteer as a Festival Maker, please click here.