Become part of a community of Shared Lives carers

Published Wednesday 3 February 2021 at 14:31

A Shared Lives carer shares their home and family life with a young person or adult who needs support to live everyday life.

  • Could you offer support for one or two days a week, or overnight stays to offer respite for family carers?
  • Or do you have room in your heart and home for someone to move in with you for a few weeks, months or many years?

Shared Lives carers give a helping hand to someone getting dressed, getting to doctors appointments, making friends, cooking together or voting for favourite dancers on TV!

People visiting or moving in with Shared Lives carers may have been in foster care, have learning or physical disabilities, may be an older person with frailty or dementia, or have mental ill health.

If you have a caring nature, have previously cared for people or you’re looking for a new paid opportunity at home, apply now to start a fresh journey that’ll enrich your life like never before!

What do I need to do it?

  • Your enthusiasm, motivation and commitment are more important than any formal caring experience or qualifications.
  • The Shared Lives scheme will help match you with someone you enjoy being with, and support you every step of the way.
  • People living with a Shared Lives carer may also take part in other activities and support during the day that helps them live a fulfilling life.
  • You could start by supporting someone for a few hours a week, or an overnight break to find out if it’s for you and you’ll get to know the community of Shared Lives.

It’s a paid, flexible role!

You will receive a payment of between £350 and £450 per week (if someone moves in with you) which will in turn enable you to make a positive difference to someone’s life. If you offer day support, you’re paid for this by the hour.

As a Shared Lives carer, you are self-employed, so that you can receive tax benefits and get on with the job of living. There is a dedicated support network called Shared Lives Plus, if you become a member, which can help and support you with advice about the legal and tax arrangements – you’ll also receive many discounts and a whole community of Shared Lives carers if you join.

You’ll receive training, support and guidance to help you with your new role and keep you up to date with best practice.

You’ll have a dedicated scheme worker to talk through anything you’re not sure about and celebrate your successes.

For more information or an informal chat, please contact the Blackburn with Darwen Shared Lives Team on 01254 585899 or email

You can also find more information and an application form here.

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