Be less hotdog and more cool cucumber in the sun

Published Tuesday 29 May 2018 at 16:37

People are being urged to take care in the sun as the warm weather continues.

NHS Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is warning that the heat can be dangerous for the very young, older people or those with serious illnesses.

In particular it can make heart and respiratory problems worse.

With summer temperatures often reaching more than 25°C, sun worshippers are being urged to take it easy in the heat by following simple advice:

  • Drink cold drinks and avoid tea, coffee and alcohol which can dehydrate you;
  • Use sunscreen with a SPF of at least 15, make sure that it is still in date, follow the pack instructions and apply at regular intervals otherwise it is ineffective;
  • Use sunscreen together with shade and clothing to protect your skin from burning;
  • Never use sunscreen as a reason to stay longer in direct sunlight;
  • Make sure you have water with you;
  • Check on elderly and vulnerable neighbours and friends who may find the heat too much.

Dr Preeti Shukla, Clinical Lead at NHS Blackburn with Darwen CCG said:

Most of us welcome some sunshine after a long and cold winter, but we need to make sure that we are fully prepared for the damaging effects that the sun and heat can have on our health.

If you feel unwell after being in the sun for some time, it’s a good idea to go somewhere cool to rest and have a cool shower or bath. If you are breathless, or are confused or dizzy, visit the NHS Choices website, call NHS 111 or seek advice from your local pharmacy.

If you still feel unwell make an appointment to see your GP.