Published Tuesday 11 February 2014 at 14:00
In aid of the Mayor’s Charity Bangor St Community Centre will be holding a family fun day.
The Mayor’s chosen charity aims to improve the facilities and equipment of the renal dialysis unit at Blackburn Hospital as well as encouraging more organ donors and raising awareness of renal disease.
The family fun day will be taking place Saturday, April 5 from 12-4pm at Bangor St Community Centre.
A whole host of family activities are planned including: climbing wall, face painting, craft activities, stalls, health checks, exercise taster sessions, henna painting, ladies pampering activities, raffle & tombola, cake decoration and much more.
There will also be a children’s football tournament taking place in the morning between 9:30-12pm for age group: 7-10 years.
For stall bookings, further information or application forms for the football tournament, contact: (01254) 691551 / 07970 216334 or email: iqbal.bhai@blackburn.gov.uk
Filed under : Blackburn | charity | community centre | Councillor | fundraising | mayor | Salim Mulla