Be Clear on Cancer

Published Wednesday 15 July 2015 at 9:39

Health professionals from Blackburn with Darwen Council and Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust are raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer as part of a new national Be Clear on Cancer campaign.

Women are urged to get their symptoms checked by their GP as part of the campaign aimed at people aged over 70. They are also encouraged to raise the topic of breast cancer with older relatives and friends, whilst communicating the importance of TLC – Touch, Look and Check.

During the campaign, which runs from July 13 to September 6, people can tweet photos of themselves chatting with an older relative over a cup of tea, showing their support for and discussing the importance of Touch, Look and Check routines, using the hashtag: #chatTLC,

Alison Rushton from the Communities Against Cancer Team at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust said:

We find that embarrassment, fear and lack of awareness of symptoms prevents conversations about breast cancer and this can lead to delays in getting any changes checked out. Finding breast cancer early can often lead to successful treatment outcomes, using the slogan, ‘ladies, make time over tea to chat TLC’, our team have put together display materials that encourage women to raise the topic of breast cancer with older relatives and friends.

Councillor Mustafa Desai, Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care, said:

 One in three women who get breast cancer are over 70, so don’t assume you’re past it or dismiss any symptoms as a sign of ageing. The fact is women aged 70 and over are more likely to be diagnosed at a late stage, compared to younger women. This latest Be Clear on Cancer campaign has an important role to play in helping increase symptom awareness levels, early diagnoses and, ultimately, survival rates.

A full calendar of awareness events are being scheduled across East Lancashire.

Any community groups or organisations who work with older age groups in East Lancashire who would welcome an awareness session should contact: to discuss.

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