Anti-violence launch shows ‘Every Action Has Consequences’

Published Thursday 3 December 2015 at 13:46

Blackburn with Darwen Council’s Director of Public Health was guest speaker at the launch of an anti-violence programme for primary schools.

Dominic Harrison spoke at the launch of the Every Action Has Consequences primary education pack at the Dunkenhalgh Hotel on Monday, November 30.

Every Action Has Consequences was set up in memory of Blackburn man Adam Rogers, 24, who was killed by a single punch on a night out in 2009.

Adam’s parents Pat and Dave have worked in recent years to educate local teenagers in colleges and secondary schools on the dangers of violence and the consequences of such actions. The charity has now developed a pack for primary schools as they try and spread the message to younger children.

The pack includes teachers’ notes, lesson plans and resources to help give young people a better understanding of how to manage their anger, how to resolve conflict and how to look after themselves and their friends.

It also includes several animations, which were shown at the event, including an animated version of Adam’s story as well as the story of a young child whose anger builds up during the day almost ending in violence.

It is hoped local primary school will now utilise the pack and train teachers and staff in how to use the resources in it.

At the event Dominic Harrison spoke about the importance of violence prevention work being undertaken at a young age. He said:

Looking at data on Accident and Emergency admissions violence seems to peak between the ages of 15 to 25 years, so it is important to undertake schools-based education before that time. Social and emotional learning programmes prevent conduct problems in childhood, have a key role in preventing  violence and are cost effective at reducing harm to both individuals and societies.

He also praised the work done by Every Action Has Consequences, adding:

I am very grateful for the work Pat and Dave Rogers are doing in memory of their son Adam – they are making an extraordinary contribution to the wellbeing of young people in Lancashire and beyond. The primary education pack is a very useful resource for schools.

For more information about Every Action Has Consequences, visit: