£4,500 collected in multiple court actions over waste offences

Published Tuesday 11 May 2021 at 9:31

Residents who have failed to properly dispose of unsightly and inconsiderate waste have been ordered to pay £4,501 in court fines and charges.

In the five cases brought by Blackburn with Darwen Council, neighbours had complained about mounting rubbish – with front and rear gardens and back alleys being used as dumping grounds for rotting waste.

In three of the five cases, this led to the waste becoming a harbourage for rodents, having a detrimental effect on neighbours and the surrounding community.

The defendants were summonsed to appear before Blackburn Magistrates after ignoring calls to take action by the council.

Four of the defendants failed to appear in court and therefore had fines proved in their absence, whilst one plead guilty of all charges.

Miss Brittany Lea Walker, Mr Russell Holden, Mr Stephen Duerden and Miss Sylvia Holmes have been ordered to pay £1086 each after failing to comply with requests to remove their waste.

You can find the full prosecution details for each individual case below.

Tony Watson, Head of Environment for Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, said:

Let it be known that the Council will not tolerate rubbish building up and causing issues for residents.

Piles of rubbish are not just unsightly, they cause serious issues for the community – including bad smells and attracting vermin. There’s absolutely no excuse for it.

Most residents take pride in their homes and surroundings, and we thank them for this – however, we will do everything in our power to take action against those who don’t.

We take each waste complaint very seriously and investigate thoroughly when complaints are made to us.

I would like to thank our Environmental Waste Crime team for their hard work and dedication in bringing forward these prosecutions, as well as all members of the public who report waste offences to us.

Last year, the Environmental Waste Crime team received payment for 66 fixed penalty notices and handled 49 prosecutions, despite a sustained period of suspension to court services due to the pandemic.

Please help us stop waste crimes by reporting them via the Council website: https://www.blackburn.gov.uk/waste-and-recycling

Full Prosecution Details

Name of defendant: Miss Brittany Lea Walker
Address of defendant: Whinney Lane, Blackburn
Date of offence: 10 March 2020

Date of court case: 20 April 2021
Details of charge: Miss Walker did without reasonable excuse fail to comply with a requirement imposed by a Notice served under section 80 of the EPA 1990 in respect of failing to remove waste from land at Whinney Lane, Blackburn.
Plea: Proved in Absence.

Fine: £660.00
Costs: £320.00
Victim Surcharge: £66.00
TOTAL £1046.00


Name: Miss Amy Louise Shaw
Address of defendant: Angela Street, Blackburn
Date of offence: 21 January 2020

Date of court case: 20 April 2021
Details of charge: Miss Shaw did without reasonable excuse deposit waste on land not subject to the relevant waste permits to the rear of Angela Street, Blackburn.
Plea: Guilty

Fine: £200.00
Costs: £85.00
Victim Surcharge: £32.00
TOTAL £317.00


Name of defendant: Mr Russell Holden
Address of defendant: Ennerdale Avenue, Blackburn
Date of offence: 29 March 2020

Date of court case: 20 April 2021
Details of the charge: Mr Holden did without reasonable excuse fail to comply with a requirement imposed by a Notice served under section 4 of the PDPA 1949 in respect of failing to remove waste from land at Ennerdale Avenue, Blackburn.
Plea: Proved in Absence.

Fine: £660.00
Costs: £320.00
Victim Surcharge: £66.00
TOTAL £1046.00

Name of defendant: Mr Stephen Duerden
Address of defendant: New Bank Road, Blackburn
Date of offence: 7 February 2020

Date of court case – 20 April 2021
Details of the charge – Mr Duerden did without reasonable excuse fail to comply with a requirement imposed by a Notice served under section 4 of the PDPA 1949 in respect of failing to remove waste from land at New Bank Road, Blackburn.
Plea: Proved in Absence

Fine: £660.00
Costs: £360.00
Victim Surcharge: £66.00
TOTAL £1086.00


Name of defendant: Miss Sylvia Holmes
Address of defendant: New Chapel Street, Blackburn
Date of offence: 16 July 2020

Date of court case – 20 April 2021
Details of the charge – Miss Holmes did without reasonable excuse fail to comply with a requirement imposed by a Notice served under section 4 of the PDPA 1949 in respect of failing to remove waste from land at New Chapel Street, Blackburn.
Plea: Proved in Absence

Fine: £660.00
Costs: £360.00
Victim Surcharge: £66.00
TOTAL £1086.00