Rachel makes a meal out of business pitches

Published Tuesday 8 September 2015 at 15:03

A former Blackburn University College student is giving entrepreneurs and makers the chance to pitch for funding to kickstart their creative ideas.

Rachel Gilkes who recently graduated in Social Science is staging Fabricate, a crowdfunding event reminiscent of Dragons’ Den but with a vegetarian feast.

It is being run through Foodlab, an initiative set up by Rachel to encourage enterprising activity using food to educate and inspire people.

It will take place on Saturday, September 12 as part of the Festival of Making and sees participants present their business ideas to diners who will vote for their favourite idea.

Mum of three Rachel previously ran Chutney for Change, which saw food that would otherwise be thrown away made into Chutney.

Since starting FoodLab she has so far staged a previous successful crowdfunding event call Hallouminate which invited creatives to present ideas to diners over a three course meal.

The winners included a local DJ who put the money towards DJ-ing equipment and a graphic designer who used hers to help launch her career. .

Rachel said: “I’m passionate about food bringing people together to make things good things happen.

“Over a meal plans can be hatched, deals done and difficult decisions taken so for me it’s the perfect setting to help launch someone’s idea.”

“The responses I got back from Hallouminate were brilliant, people said pitching had helped boost their confidence, improved presentation skills and brought them into contact with a network that could give them advice and other opportunities.

“So I’m really hoping Fabricate will also be a great event with a diverse range of pitchers.”

At the Festival of Making Rachel will also stage Disco Soupe which will see a drop in cafe and workshop take place all to the sounds of a DJ set. All food prepared will be donated and is food that would otherwise have been thrown away.

The Festival of Making is being organised by Blackburn is Open the creative regeneration scheme that supports entrepreneurs and the creative industries set up Blackburn with Darwen Council and backed by Arts Council England.

Executive member for Regeneration, Councillor Phil Riley, said: “This is exactly the kind of pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit we want to encourage through Blackburn is Open.

“It can sometimes be difficult for new businesses to get feedback and support but in this kind of environment they can test their ideas and even make helpful contacts in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.”

Fabricate takes place at Liz n Lils, tickets are £10 with £5 going directly into a funding pot for the winning idea. They’re available from Liz n Lils or at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/fabricatelive-crowdfund-event-tickets-18463660305

Disco Soupe will be at Blackburn is Open, 65 King William Street – 10am until 4pm.

More information at www.festivalofmaking.co.uk

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